Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Obedience and Trust

January 15, 1956

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I went to church early before Mass. Father LeRoy had already lit a nice fire in the big stove, and Mini curled up near it, perfectly content. The church was cozy and quiet as the sun began to rise. Outside, it was only 14 degrees, but inside, everything felt calm and safe.

Sister and I read today's meditation together about the obedience of St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother. It talked about how the angel told Joseph to take Mary and Baby Jesus and flee to Egypt in the middle of the night. Sister explained on the way home that their obedience was so perfect because they trusted God completely, even when His commands seemed difficult or strange. They didn’t question or complain but followed God's will with faith and love. Sister said that’s the kind of obedience I should pray for—a heart that trusts, loves, and says “yes” to God no matter what.

The walk home was cold, but the sun coming up made the frosty world look beautiful. When we got back, I went out to the chicken coop. My dear brown hen was on her nest, fluffing up her feathers and looking very pleased with herself. I reached under her and found the biggest brown egg I’ve ever seen! I think it must be a double yolk. It was so big that for a moment, I thought it was a duck egg! But the warm, brown color told me it was from my good brown hen.

Now it’s evening, and Mini is snoozing under the bed. The house is quiet except for the crackling of the fire. Sister Mary Claire is finishing her evening prayers, and I’ll say mine, too:

O Jesus, help me to trust You like Joseph and Mary did, even when I don’t understand Your plans. Teach me to love You more and obey You with all my heart. Amen.

Goodnight, dear Diary.

Love, Kathy

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Stepping into Trust

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