Saturday, April 6, 2024

Dear Diary

April 6, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today's work in the garden brought a sense of completion as we tended to the rhubarb. The patch now extends beyond all possible needs, a testament to our efforts. The abundant harvest is a reminder that those in need of rhubarb need look no further.

As evening approached, the chill in the air led us to the warmth of our Airstream, now cozily nestled under the roof of the old Inner Court storage shed, once a calf barn. Tom and Judy worked tirelessly to fix it up for us, making it weather-tight and providing living space for our full-time stay. They even had a special, rustic-looking sign made at Dennison Sign Company in Des Moines for the building, a choice that felt serendipitous as it bore our family name. The surrounding picket fence adds to the charm of our new home. It's our first night here, and nestled under the patchwork quilts from home, there's a comforting sense of belonging – truly, there's no place like home.

In the quiet of the night, I find solace in a passage from the Inner Court Prayer Book, a gentle invocation to the Holy Ghost:

"Come Holy Ghost, send down those beams that sweetly flow in silent streams. Thou art our rest in toil and sweat, a refreshment in excessive heat, and a warmth in an April chill. O bounteous source of all our store, fill our hearts with love and more."

Goodnight, dear diary. And a special goodnight to Sister Mary Claire, my beloved sister in both flesh and spirit, my constant companion and guide. May the morrow bring blessings anew.

Yours, Kathy

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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

February 26, 1956 Dear Diary, Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church, the crisp winter air wrapping around us as the gravel crunch...