Friday, April 5, 2024

Dear Diary

April 5th, 1955

Dear Diary

Today was a day full of surprises and blessings. For quite some time, Tom had been very secretive, always busy behind the house. He insisted that we not disturb him back there. The mystery of his actions kept us guessing, but today, he unveiled his secret. He invited us to come around to the back of the house, and there it was—Sister Mary Claire's little trailer, now settled at Living History Farm. Tom had contacted St. Boniface Parish in Sioux City and arranged for the trailer to be delivered here. He knew how much Sister Mary Claire missed her trailer and thought it would be the perfect place for our inner court sessions, prayers, and spiritual upliftments.

In addition to the trailer, Tom and Judy have been working tirelessly on the old shed, transforming it into a cozy and weather-tight living space. They even had a special sign made in Des Moines, which adds a rustic charm to the building. The picket fence that now surrounds this little inner court building makes it feel like a dream come true.

Our hearts are overflowing with thanks to Jesus for giving us this sacred place, and to Tom and Judy for watching out for us. May the angels and saints unite in praising the God of mercies who was so bountiful to so unworthy creatures as Sister Mary Clare and myself. And thank You, Lord, for this little spot, this little patch of ground on Your great earth.

Til Tomorrow,

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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

February 26, 1956 Dear Diary, Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church, the crisp winter air wrapping around us as the gravel crunch...