Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Gaining the Harbor

March 4, 1956

Dear Diary

The temperature has finally moderated, and I am feeling so much better today. After so many days of rest, it felt good to be outside again with Mini, gathering a basket of eggs in the fresh air. The hens clucked and scratched around, and Omelette followed me closely as if she had missed me. Mini trotted beside me, her little paws padding against the earth, occasionally stopping to give the basket a sniff, making sure everything was in order.

Later, I opened my big book and found a holy card called Le Divin Pilote—The Divine Pilot. It showed Jesus in a small boat, sailing toward the shore. The words underneath read:

“It is night, we are gaining the harbor… We touch it—ALLELUIA.”

At first, I noticed only Jesus, resting peacefully as He steered, but then my eyes fell upon a small dove nestled in His lap. I almost missed it at first—it was so still, so gentle. The little bird seemed perfectly at home, safe in His care, as if it knew it had nothing to fear. It made me think of how I should be—resting in Jesus’ hands, trusting Him completely. The dove didn’t try to steer the boat or flutter about in worry. It simply remained close to Him.

I want to be like that dove—letting Jesus guide me, not anxiously searching for my own way, but staying near Him, knowing He is leading me to the safest harbor of all.

Jesus, my Divine Pilot, let me rest in You as the little dove rests in Your lap. When I am afraid or uncertain, help me stay close and trust that You are guiding me safely home. Amen.

Goodnight, dear Diary.

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