Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Saying Goodbye

Dear Diary,

This morning, Vreni and I attended Holy Mass together while Sister Mary Claire spent her last day teaching at the monastery. The Mass was beautiful, and as I sat in the pew beside Vreni, I felt both the comfort of the familiar prayers and the ache of knowing it was one of our last moments together in Zurich.

After Mass, Vreni and I found a quiet corner in the churchyard to talk about the Gospel reading. It was from Luke, and it spoke about the warnings Jesus gave to the scribes and Pharisees, how they built memorials for the prophets their ancestors had killed and still bore the guilt of those actions. Vreni explained it in a way that made me think deeply. She said that it’s a reminder not to cover up past wrongs, but to make amends and live with truth. I’ve never thought of it quite that way before, and her words brought a kind of peace to my heart, as if God was telling me to always choose the path of honesty and grace.

Afterward, we walked slowly back toward the apartment, both of us knowing we wouldn’t have many more walks like this together. Before we parted ways, we exchanged addresses and made a special vow to be the best pen pals ever. I promised to send her updates about Mini and our farm life, and she said she’d write to me about her adventures in Zurich. The thought of keeping in touch through letters made the goodbye a little easier to bear, knowing that our friendship would continue even across the miles.

Mini, sensing my mixed emotions, stayed close by all day, her quiet companionship a comfort as always.

Evening Prayer:

Dear Lord,
Thank You for the gift of this day,
For the beauty of Mass shared with a dear friend,
And the words of Your Gospel that stir my heart.
Though goodbyes are hard,
I trust in Your plan to bring us together again,
Whether through letters or perhaps in Your time.
Please bless Vreni and keep her close to Your heart.
Let our friendship grow, even from afar.
Grant me the grace to face tomorrow,
As we leave this place behind.
Guide our steps home,
And keep us always in Your loving care.

Vreni - (True Faith)

October 16, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Mini and I took our usual walk down the quiet street, with the cool air and the sound of the birds waking up the day. As we were wandering, something unexpected happened—Mini suddenly took off ahead of me, her little legs moving so fast! I wasn’t sure what she was so excited about, but then I saw her run up to a girl standing by the water. Mini greeted her with such enthusiasm, wagging her bottom and bouncing around, as if she had known her forever.

That’s when I met Vreni.

Right away, I knew she was a good person. It was like Mini sensed her kindness before I even got close. Animals seem to know these things—they can feel the goodness in someone’s heart. Vreni smiled and knelt down to pet Mini, and we started talking. It felt easy, like we’d been friends all along. We ended up chatting about so much, but we spent the most time on today’s Gospel reading from Galatians. Vreni said the fruits of the Spirit—like peace, patience, and kindness—are things she tries to live by every day. I realized I do too, especially when Sister Mary Claire reads them to me in the mornings.

Mini, always happy to make new friends, stuck by us the whole time. I could tell she approved of Vreni being part of our little circle.

As the day comes to an end, I’m feeling thankful for the peace the Spirit gave me today. To close, here’s a little prayer-poem I wrote:

Evening Prayer

The day is done, the night is near,
With peace and joy, no place for fear.
The Spirit guides each step I take,
And in His love, my heart won’t break.

For every friend He sends my way,
I bow my head and softly pray.
May kindness bloom and love be strong,
And in His light, we all belong.


Good night dear diary,

Monday, October 14, 2024

More Muesli Please

October 15, 1955
Dear Diary,

This morning started off with the usual quiet, as Sister Mary Claire had already left for the monastery. But she never forgets about me, leaving a delicious bowl of muesli with monastery honey and whole milk to start my day. It was such a lovely way to begin, especially knowing it was made with care.

During her visit, Sister managed to get the muesli recipe from the monastery's chef, knowing how much I adored it. I carefully wrote it down after this entry—it feels like a little piece of the monastery I can take home with me. I’m sure it will become a favorite back in Des Moines.

Mini and I went out for a morning walk through the neighborhood, and I was still glowing from my conversation with the Swiss girl I met yesterday. She had told me that I could bring Mini to Mass, and I still feel so excited about that. I imagine how proud Mini will look trotting beside me into church.

Today’s Gospel reading was from Luke 11:37-41. Later in the day, I asked Sister Mary Claire about it, and she explained it in such a gentle way. She said the Pharisee was concerned with outward appearances—like the washing of hands or dishes—without understanding that what matters most to God is the heart. It’s not just about looking clean and pure on the outside, but being good, generous, and kind on the inside. Sister smiled and said, “The Lord wants us to focus on what’s within and give freely to others, because when our hearts are pure, we become clean from the inside out.”

Her words stayed with me the rest of the day. I reflected on how easy it is to worry about small, unimportant things, when really, what matters most is our love and kindness toward others.

As the day draws to a close, I find myself looking forward to tomorrow, but also feeling that bittersweet twinge, knowing our time here is coming to an end. Des Moines feels both so far away and so close.

Evening Prayer:

Dear Lord, thank You for today’s moments of peace, for the lessons in the Gospel, and for Sister Mary Claire’s gentle guidance. Help me to always be kind and generous, to keep my heart clean for You. Amen.


Muesli Recipe (from the Monastery)

1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup whole milk (or cream for extra richness)
2 tablespoons monastery honey (or any local honey)
1/4 cup dried fruit (such as raisins, apricots, or figs)
1/4 cup fresh fruit (such as grated apple or berries)
1/4 cup chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts)
1 tablespoon seeds (optional - sunflower seeds or chia seeds)
A pinch of cinnamon (for a little extra warmth)


The night before, mix the oats with milk and honey in a bowl. Let it sit in the fridge overnight to soften.
In the morning, stir in the dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds. Sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon if desired.
Enjoy the muesli with a bit more milk or cream if you like it creamier.

This recipe feels like a piece of the monastery here with me. It reminds me of the quiet, peaceful mornings and the care Sister Mary Claire always shows. I can’t wait to make it again once we’re back in Des Moines!

Monday Morning

October 14, 1955

Dear Diary,

Another chilly start to the day! I had to bundle up again just to let Mini out into the backyard. She seemed to enjoy the fresh air, but I felt the crispness all the way through my wool sweater. Sister Mary Claire had already left by the time I woke up, taking the 5 AM train to the Monastery for her teaching assignment. She says it takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get there, and the trains are so punctual that everything here feels like it runs down to the minute. I don’t mean to be so "scheduley," but the trams and trains here in Zurich make you keep track of time so precisely!

Today's Gospel reading was from Luke 11:29-32, where Jesus told the crowd that this generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah. Sister explained it to me in a story-like way when she came home this evening. She said Jonah was a prophet sent to warn the people of Nineveh to repent, and they listened to him. Jesus was saying that He is greater than Jonah, and just as the Ninevites repented at Jonah’s preaching, we should be willing to change our ways because of the presence of Jesus in our lives. Sister also reminded me that the wisdom of Solomon, although great, is far less than the wisdom of Christ.

Evening Prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank You for today’s blessings. I’m grateful for the warmth of my home, Mini’s company, and the words of the Gospel that remind me of Your love and wisdom. I pray for Sister Mary Claire and her work at the Monastery. Please guide her and protect her in her travels. Keep me close to You, and help me, like the Ninevites, to always listen to Your call. Amen.

Goodnight dear diary,

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sunday Sermon

Listen to the Sunday Sermon

October 13, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was one of those Sundays where the world outside seemed to slow down with the gentle fall of rain. Mini sat close by, her head resting on my leg as we watched the drops trace paths down the window. We spent the afternoon listening to Bishop Barron’s sermon, his voice traveling through the rain from far away, yet feeling as though he was speaking directly to us.

He spoke about a question from the book of Wisdom that really made me think: If you could ask God for anything, what would it be? It’s such a big question, and while so many things might come to mind, Bishop Barron reminded us that the wisdom figure in the Bible asked for something deeper—understanding, the gift of wisdom. It really struck me that, more than riches or success, what matters most is the insight to see the world as God sees it, to understand His will for us. It left me reflecting on what I would ask for and made me grateful for these quiet moments of clarity.

As the rain continued, it felt as if God's presence was in the stillness, as though He was inviting us to seek wisdom in the everyday, even on a rainy Sunday like this. There’s a lot of comfort in knowing that in these moments of peace, we’re being drawn closer to His heart.


O Lord, in your quiet ways, let me see,
The wisdom and light you’ve given me.
In peace and in stillness, help me find,
The truth of your love and guide my mind.

With love, Kathy

Friday, October 11, 2024

Trip to the Coop

October 12, 1955

Dear Diary,

This Saturday was beautiful, and we started the day with morning Mass at the English-speaking Mission just down the street. Mini stayed home, content as ever, while Sister Mary Claire and I enjoyed the peaceful walk to church. It’s always nice knowing Mini is cozy at home while we’re out.

After Mass, Sister Mary Claire explained the Gospel reading to me. It was from Luke 11:27-28, where a woman praises Mary, but Jesus responds by saying, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Sister told me that Jesus wasn’t dismissing the woman’s praise of His mother, but He wanted everyone to understand that the true blessing comes from hearing and living God’s word. Sister Mary Claire's explanation made me realize that it’s not just about who we are, but how we respond to God’s call in our everyday lives.

On our way back, we stopped by the Coop Grocery to pick up some dark German bread and tuna fish. Sister has been keeping an eye on my health, and I’m grateful for her care. We had a quiet and easy day after that, and I spent some time reading from my All for Jesus book.

The highlight of the day was when Sister Mary Claire took an amazing photo. Outside the store, there was a bicycle with a basket, and inside the basket was a little sign that read "All for Jesus," just like my book! It felt like a sign, as if we weren’t the only ones who love this message. I couldn’t help but smile, feeling like God’s love was shining through in the most unexpected ways.

O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
Guide me in Your ways, so gracious.
Help me be kind and pure today,
Living with love, I humbly pray.

Until tomorrow,


Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Train Ride

October 11, 1955

Dear Diary,

We started the day early today, meeting at the train station at 6 AM. It was still dark, but there was a peaceful quiet in the air. Sister Mary Claire led the way, and all twelve nuns who had joined us for this special day were there, too. Mini was eager as always, wagging her little bottom in excitement, and I could feel a bit of that same anticipation myself. We were heading to Kloster Einsiedeln for the lesson Sister had prepared.

The train ride was so much fun! I think there’s something about being in a train car with so many joyful nuns that makes everything feel light and happy. They shared Swiss pastries, boiled eggs, coffee and milk, laughing and telling stories, while the mountains rolled by outside the window. Even Mini got some extra pats and love from the sisters. And I believe one of the sisters slipped Mini an egg yolk.

When we arrived at the monastery, it was breathtaking. The large domes and intricate stone carvings of Kloster Einsiedeln made it feel like we had stepped into another world. Sister Mary Claire’s lesson was from the Gospel of Luke 11:15-26. She spoke about unity and the importance of keeping our hearts strong and guarded in faith. The nuns and a few monks listened carefully, and I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of peace and purpose as she shared her wisdom.

Afterward, we spent a little time exploring the monastery grounds, walking through the courtyards, and admiring the beautiful architecture. The day ended with another joyful train ride back to Zurich, filled with more laughter, Swiss chocolate, and a bit of quiet reflection on the wonderful lesson and the day we had shared together.

Here’s a little prayer to end the day:

Dear Lord,

As we journey together in faith, may our hearts remain strong and united.
Help us guard against division and keep our spirits filled with love and joy,
So that we may walk the path You have laid before us, together and in peace. Amen.

It was such a beautiful and memorable day.


Saying Goodbye

Dear Diary, This morning, Vreni and I attended Holy Mass together while Sister Mary Claire spent her last day teaching at the monastery. The...